Well, in traditional form, I can't leave well enough alone!

Received my Recoil 26, took it out of the box, and started the modifications.

The Plan: Setup the Recoil 26 to be a legal NAMBA N2-Offshore Racer.

NOTE: "Self-Righting" hulls are legal in NAMBA, but using the Self-Righting feature during a race isn't. HOWEVER, As I'm finding out about some hulls, like this one... Often, Self-Righting hulls have another feature: They don't tend to go UPSIDE DOWN in the first place! So, on we go with the transformation!


First Order of Business, Add some control surfaces to stabilize the hull at speed. I added a second set of Trim-Tabs by taking another stock set and removing the turn-fins from them. Pretty basic.
