I just want to thank the people who contribute to this forum to help the newbie get started the right way. I bought a rev 30 this spring and was impressed! I spent time reading this forum to help me trouble shoot, tweak, and things not to do. I run on a big lake with lots of boat traffic, wind, oh yea forest fires! Ideal water to run on doesn`t happen very often. But last Saturday morning no boats, no wind, no fires, equals smooth water! This was the first chance I`ve had to see the true potential of this rev 30. All I can say is, I was grinning ear to ear! What a BLAST!!! The rev 30 ran on rails, turned very stable, and topped out in the low to mid 40`s. 4s, m445, 120esc, cool running temps. I could have run a 5s set up but decided not push it. Yet! Anyway a big Thumbs Up to OSE forums and all the information that's out there!