View Full Version : Power setup for a 50" mono hull boat

05-05-2021, 07:27 AM
Hello all,

I have a friend which is making me a wood 50" mono hull boat (known as "wild thing").
The idea is to use the boat in river/sea hope it will cope with small waves when they show up.
I do not need it to be a fast boat, just cruising around for some autonomous missions with Ardurover I plan to install in it. Of course some capability of getting some speed (let say 20mph) when needed is welcomed.
Any suggestion for some motor+esc+prop? Im currently looking into the Turnigy AquaStar 4084-1050KV brushless motor and LBP4082-B/3Y inrunner motor from Leopard. For ESC I have seen the flycolor 150A which seems enough... for the prop I really don't know how to choose a good one.
I plan to use 6s Lipo batteries with it.

Any help is much appreciated!

Thank you!


05-07-2021, 05:52 AM
Especially as you state you want the boat to handle waves, the boat will need to be waterproof. To do this you will want to tape the hatch down, along with any other hatch hold down method you use. To make taping up easier, I'd recommend changing the design of the hatch to have a flat front end rather than rounded.

05-13-2021, 04:45 PM
Many thanks for your tips, much appreciated!