View Full Version : Go scan 3D

08-30-2018, 09:47 PM
https://www.creaform3d.com/pulp/goscan-3d-scanner/?aw_campaign=Display-Standard-3D-Scanners&aw_campaignId=204380181&aw_adgroupId=12103195461&aw_network=d&aw_device=c&aw_geo_location=1013697&aw_int_location=&aw_keyword=3d%20printing&aw_placement=www.ebay.com&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI466an5WW3QIViqtkCh2Lpg_qEAEYASAA EgKd_PD_BwE
ok iam going to get one, scan myself and get twice as much done.:thumbup:
Unreal, now were in the future!
ok i'll be plastic and be Tupperware safe and sealed:biggrin:

08-31-2018, 02:17 PM
Oh the possibilities - I like how the vid mentions "reverse engineering" - makes it easy to copy / clone stuff (both the good news and the bad news)