View Full Version : Needed upgrades for MG V2

12-11-2014, 05:08 PM
Just got a Miss Geico V2. What upgrades do I need to make...ie flex shaft, strut bearing , prop, etc.

ray schrauwen
12-11-2014, 05:26 PM
Nothing really at the moment. What you need is to run it the way it is first, read the manual a couple times first and if something isn't right upgrade after.

The only thing to start with would be a balanced and sharpened metal prop from OSE Parts or other sources like Dasbota.

You have to decide what type of running you want to do and attempt it first, no sense spending money early on when you don't have to.

Nice quality Lipos and a metal prop, keep the flex shaft well lubricated every run of 4 min. or more.

12-12-2014, 12:54 AM
well said ray----that's great advice!:thumbup: