View Full Version : Terrorist or Not?

Steven Vaccaro
11-10-2009, 07:09 AM
Since everyone is mudding up Darins thread, I thought I would start the pot stirring myself in a new thread.

So do you think Nadal(the Fort Hood Killer) is an Islamic terrorist or just an insane us citizen?

It seems to me that if he didn't want to fight Muslims overseas, but decided in his eyes it was ok to kill unarmed US citizens, he's a Islamic Terrorists.

11-10-2009, 07:36 AM
Insane in the membrane, insane in the brain.

I think we've found a new buzz word since 911 and now everyone and everything is a terrorist. Was the Charles Manson a terrorist? was the Son of Sam a terrorist? was Ted Bundy a Terrorist? Is that guy in Cleveland who allegedly killed those 11 women a terrorist? I think that word is use to invoke a certain emotion in people.

11-10-2009, 07:38 AM
Why we don't call Wall Street Bankers Terrorist? They've been terrorizing our economy for decades.

11-10-2009, 07:38 AM
Based on comments I've read - that he had stated he's a Muslim first, an American second; that he attended the same mosque that several of the 9/11 terrorists did; that he followed the same pre-attack regimine that the 9/11 terrorists did (strip clubs, gambling, etc); that he hollered "Allah akbar!" during the shooting - and the fact he attacked departing soldiers, I say he's an Islamic terrorist. You don't have to be part of a cell to be a terrorist.

For those with short or defective memories, Timmothy McVey was called a terrorist long before 9/11. So were the Black September hijackers of the 1970s. This is hardly a new buzz word - except among those who think the world began only when they became aware of it......

And I hate to read and hear this comment: "alleged shooter".


11-10-2009, 07:44 AM
I was watching CNN, yesterday an a private who was in the vicinity when the shooting occurred, While being coached by the anchor, said he hear him say that, then when the anchor asked him again, the private said he didn't hear him say it.:confused1:

Steven Vaccaro
11-10-2009, 07:54 AM
Insane in the membrane, insane in the brain.

I think we've found a new buzz word since 911 and now everyone and everything is a terrorist. Was the Charles Manson a terrorist? was the Son of Sam a terrorist? was Ted Bundy a Terrorist? Is that guy in Cleveland who allegedly killed those 11 women a terrorist? I think that word is use to invoke a certain emotion in people.

I think a person that kills innocent people for religious or governmental differences is a terrorist. For example Nadal, McVey are both terrorists.

11-10-2009, 08:10 AM
So using that logic, Jim Jones was a terrorist! But wait, then the Catholic Church is a terrorist organization, they've Killed millions, via, burnings hanging and crucifixions. :confused2:

Terrorist is a word used to conjure a provocative subjective reaction. The connotation of Terrorist is: Being Muslim. Are the KKK terrorist? How about the anti-abortionist?

11-10-2009, 08:21 AM
A guess you can argue that the people flying the planes on 9 11 were not terrorist using the same defense. So I guess you win. No such thing as a terrorist. It's odd that the same people I see on the tube, not wanting to use the term terrorist are the same people that can't wait to cry "Hate Crime".

And an abortion clinic bomber should probably be considered a terrorist also, I my view.

11-10-2009, 08:26 AM
My point is not to question if they are terrorist or not! But why not use the term to describe all people or organizations who commit those acts.

11-10-2009, 09:00 AM
If there goal is to achieve superiority by threat of force (inflicting terror), usually by acts intended to achieve a particular emotional response from or toward the victims, they are terrorists. Does anybody remember Munich? THOSE were terrorists. Does anybody remember the hostage crisis? THOSE were terrorists (are - one is now their President and he seems to keep using the same tactics). People hijacking airliners flying out of Cuba aren't terrorists, they're repressed citizens who have turned to acts of desperation.

If they are only seeking to achieve victory over a local enemy, they are combatants.

Was this guy a terrorists or a combatant? I guess the law will have to figure it out. Either way, his days should be numbered.


11-10-2009, 09:02 AM
I'll agree that the term is thrown around far too often. It's kinda hard to make black or white. (racism not intended) Snicker.
But this political correctness that we seem to be bogged down in, is going weaken us tremendously. We have to see things as they are and not how we wish they were.

11-10-2009, 10:04 AM
I think a person that kills innocent people for religious or governmental differences is a terrorist. For example Nadal, McVey are both terrorists.

What about this guy?

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2009/06/07/2009-06-07_scott_roeder_charged_with_abortion_doctor_georg e_tillers_murder_says_more_violen.html

And what if he was a white guy who yelled "Praise Jesus" before killing people? Terrorist or not?

I understand the desire to paint Hasan as a terrorist. It is the easy thing to do and allows us an avenue to explain what happened and to demonize an entire religious group based on the actions of a single individual. Plus it serves the political purposes of the right to do so. Keeps the "Be very afraid" idea going and allows them a way to politicize this tragedy, something they are very good at doing.

It is far more disquieting to view these murders for what they are, the actions of an insane person. David Berkowitz (Son of Sam) got his orders from God, but he was a pre 9/11 killer, so never got called a terrorist (he killed because God told him to).

When we are confronted with the actions of insane people it places rational people at the disadvantage because we try to place the actions within a sane context, which is doomed from the start.

Crazy people do crazy things.

11-10-2009, 10:04 AM
I wouldnt go so far as to call him a terrorist before this happened.. A radical maybe... But it seems to me like a few other issues besides religion and allah lit hit fuse for him to snap and do what he did...

11-10-2009, 10:07 AM
And I hate to read and hear this comment: "alleged shooter".

One of those distasteful side effects of that thing we call the "Constitution". The whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing.

11-10-2009, 10:22 AM
An interesting tidbit in the news today:

Officials said Hasan will be tried in a military court, not a civilian one, a choice that suggests his alleged actions are not thought to have emanated from a terrorist organization.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091110/ap_on_go_ca_st_pe/us_fort_hood_shooting;_ylt=ArESfqlMxm3pTRB7k5NXP9a s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNsZGNmZGplBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMDkxMTE wL3VzX2ZvcnRfaG9vZF9zaG9vdGluZwRjY29kZQNtb3N0cG9wd WxhcgRjcG9zAzEEcG9zAzMEcHQDaG9tZV9jb2tlBHNlYwN5bl9 0b3Bfc3RvcnkEc2xrA2Z1bGxuYnNwc3Rvcg--

11-10-2009, 10:30 AM
Terrorists or not, they are all people we wish could have been aborted prior to birth.:hornets_nest:

A$$holes, all of them.:ThumbsDown01:

11-10-2009, 10:54 AM
I think "terrorist" applies to a person or group who insights fear or commits acts of violence to promote a political or religious ideology. However, these days it is used too often as a buzz word to initiate an emotional reaction. Sometimes it is easier to rationalize or group people to appease our own comfort levels. From what I'm gathering from Bill is that just because he is a Muslim, we should not categorize him or other Muslims based on their faith. We should focus and judge the individual first and foremost, then determine if his motivations come from an external influence such as a political or religious organization.

11-10-2009, 11:13 AM
Essentially my point. If this guy was not a Muslim nobody would be saying he's a terrorist. Even McVeigh was rarely called a terrorist, although his actions meet all the criteria.

Consider this:

Pennsylvania’s Homeland Security Director James Powers said:

“Tim McVey [sic] is not a terrorist, just very angry with the U.S. government,” Powers said. “Whether a person is a terrorist or a criminal is irrelevant to me.”

Enter "McVeigh" & "Terrorist" into Google and you get about 2 million hits. That is after 14 years.

Do the same with "Hasan" and in less than a week there are 1.45 million hits.

And before somebody says something really stupid like I am defending Hassan, please do not try to go down that path. I am not doing any such thing. Hasan in an insane killer who deserves death. Can I say that any more clearly?

Steven Vaccaro
11-10-2009, 12:49 PM
It seems to me if people spent less time worrying about being politically correct and more time looking at the obvious, we wouldn't be taking about this in the first place.

:cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing:

11-10-2009, 12:55 PM
It seems to me if people spent less time worrying about being politically correct and more time looking at the obvious, we wouldn't be taking about this in the first place.

:cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing:

I'm not understanding the statement. Please elaborate.

Ub Hauled
11-10-2009, 01:03 PM
And what if he was a white guy who yelled "Praise Jesus" before killing people? Terrorist or not?

Crazy people do crazy things.

I agree, had he been part of a different religion things would have been different...no questioning about if it was terrorist or not, etc.

One of those distasteful side effects of that thing we call the "Constitution". The whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing.

Not sure if you are being sarcastic here or not but my take on it is, people saw him doing it, tried to stop him (succesfully), HE DID IT! No questions about that, so all this "alleged shooting" crap is bogus... innocent until proven guilty? BS! Just figure out his sentence and move on, the more press this thing gets the prouder terrorists get, whether he's one or not.
BTW, I think he was mentally weak and broke down under negative pressure, doesn't mater if he is a Muslim first... he could have said I am a Christian first and American second and yelling "God is righteous, God is righteous!"... what would have people thought about that?!

It seems to me if people spent less time worrying about being politically correct and more time looking at the obvious, we wouldn't be taking about this in the first place.

Correct Steven, he IS a murderer, he deserves what's coming to him.

11-10-2009, 01:26 PM
Jan - my comment about innocent until proven guilty means that legally when people refer to the guy and his actions even if there is video tape, he is still alleged until proven guilty in court. Then they refer to him as "convicted" mass murderer, etc. It is a by product of how our system works.

Steven - PC has nothing to do with this. The jump to label him a terrorist is motivated by nothing beyond his religion. It is a biased label unsupported by the current facts.

I still maintain that unless some very concrete evidence comes out to the contrary that this is simply a man pushed to his limits and who committed (allegedly) an act of sheer insanity.

11-10-2009, 01:49 PM
Essentially my point. If this guy was not a Muslim nobody would be saying he's a terrorist. Even McVeigh was rarely called a terrorist, although his actions meet all the criteria.

Consider this:

Enter "McVeigh" & "Terrorist" into Google and you get about 2 million hits. That is after 14 years.

Do the same with "Hasan" and in less than a week there are 1.45 million hits.

And before somebody says something really stupid like I am defending Hassan, please do not try to go down that path. I am not doing any such thing. Hasan in an insane killer who deserves death. Can I say that any more clearly?

If he is found insane I don't think he would be allowed the DEATH PENALTY!

Steven Vaccaro
11-10-2009, 01:55 PM
Bill what would it take for you to call this a terrorist act?

And what limits was he pushed to? The man would not go to war to fight the enemy but found the courage to kill his own brothers!

And lastly, the guy should be processed right to the front of the court line. Once convicted, hung immediately and broad-casted to the rest of the world. If he wants to die for Allah, lets help him fill that need.

Ub Hauled
11-10-2009, 02:31 PM
Bill what would it take for you to call this a terrorist act?

And what limits was he pushed to? The man would not go to war to fight the enemy but found the courage to kill his own brothers!

And lastly, the guy should be processed right to the front of the court line. Once convicted, hung immediately and broad-casted to the rest of the world. If he wants to die for Allah, lets help him fill that need.

Steven, I'd like to hang a terrorist just like the next guy, but looking at what happened, the killings where nothing from a terrorist's point of view. It was not like blowing up a bomb in public, it has only an isolated impact. I understand that ONE life taken is bad enough but one has to look at this from a far vantage point in order to understand and label this a terrorist attack or not. People these days are very sensitive to any kinda killing spree, but there are people out there that may just snap, "go postal" like they say, and it may be a Muslim, Christian, Baptist or even Atheist (spelling?), everyone's limit is different.
Unfortunately there will be a lawyer out there that will defend this guy and plea insanity... the worst is, he may get it, the media is already spreading the word that he was teased, verbally abused, etc... life in jail is what I foresee for him.

11-10-2009, 03:22 PM
looking at this people are either saying he was insane or a terrorist
i would like to know the diffrence between the two
as far as i see it a person cannot be a terrorist with out being insane
so if people so no he wasnt a terrorist he was insane,how to you ever convict a terrorist,they could plead insanity,wich would be rite as none of them are sane

11-10-2009, 03:31 PM
They have all commited mass murder, call them what you like, there is NO difference.

Don't care if you are white, black, asian, christian, jewish, muslum......whatever....

You are an Earthling,,,, Human, no better than anyone else until you commit such an act.

They all should be removed from my planet

11-10-2009, 03:31 PM
I don't give a rats a@$ what you call him - just don't call him nutz!

I want to see him get a bullet in his freakin head!

If he's nutz some do gooder will lock him up for a while!

11-10-2009, 04:23 PM
If he is found insane I don't think he would be allowed the DEATH PENALTY!

I am not speaking of legal insanity. I use the term insane in the commonly accepted societal norm. The act of mass murder is the action of an insane person.

Fortunately he is being tried in the military system. That is one that is much less lenient than the normal civilian court system.

Steven - as far as what it would take for me to view his actions as an act of terrorism, I use this definition:

The United States Department of Defense defines terrorism as “the calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.” Within this definition, there are three key elements—violence, fear, and intimidation—and each element produces terror in its victims.

The FBI uses this: "Terrorism is the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives."

The U.S. Department of State defines "terrorism" to be "premeditated politically-motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by sub-national groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience.


I do not think his actions meet any of these definitions as well as they do the acts of a deranged person. Like I keep saying, if his name was Joe Smith and he yelled "Praise Jesus" before pulling the trigger not one of you would be raising the question about this being a terrorist act.

Steven Vaccaro
11-10-2009, 04:58 PM
I do not think his actions meet any of these definitions as well as they do the acts of a deranged person. Like I keep saying, if his name was Joe Smith and he yelled "Praise Jesus" before pulling the trigger not one of you would be raising the question about this being a terrorist act.

How do you know that? I haven't seen too many mass killings of this sort, happening in the name of "Jesus" lately. Until then.......

11-10-2009, 05:36 PM
I dont care what you call him.... I call him a f*ckin a**holish murderer....
White, black, brown, yellow, it doesnt matter where you come from or what your motive is, murder is murder

Steven Vaccaro
11-10-2009, 06:52 PM
I dont care what you call him.... I call him a f*ckin a**holish murderer....
White, black, brown, yellow, it doesnt matter where you come from or what your motive is, murder is murder

I think thats something we can all agree on.

Flying Scotsman
11-10-2009, 07:02 PM
The interesting thing he was a person that was supposed to help army people with perceived mental problems. Why did this guy not show up on the radar with his associates?


Ub Hauled
11-10-2009, 07:25 PM
The interesting thing he was a person that was supposed to help army people with perceived mental problems. Why did this guy not show up on the radar with his associates?


probably did, hens the CIA looking over his shoulders...

11-10-2009, 07:43 PM
Now the CIA looks over the shoulder of a person perceived to have mental problems? Whats next?

Ub Hauled
11-10-2009, 09:05 PM
Now the CIA looks over the shoulder of a person perceived to have mental problems? Whats next?

It's worst then you think... that is not the only reason they find to "listen" to peoples private lives... big controversy...

11-10-2009, 09:14 PM
It doesn't matter what you call him. He didn't keep his view a secret, Seems everybody knew about his views and nothing was done. If we refuse to even recognize a threat, we haven't got a chance. It's a damn shame. I agree most Muslims aren't a danger, but I don't seem to hear a lot of condemnation from them.

11-10-2009, 09:18 PM
What was the threat prior to his actions? What should have been done about it? It does matter what you call him, otherwise the term "terrorist" becomes more and more meaningless. No doubt he has mental problems. I'm curious to see if we'll hear anything directly from this guy in the future.

11-10-2009, 09:46 PM
I will not be surprised if he proclaims himself a warrior for Allah and try to martyr himself. I believe his intention was to commit suicide by cop. He failed at that. Now he has 13 murders to face in a military criminal justice system that does not screw around. Given his religious inclinations he has nothing to lose at this point in saying he was doing God's work.

Ironically in doing so he will serve to dishonor all the honest patriotic people of the Muslim faith serving proudly and honorably in our armed forces. Hopefully Allah gives him 71 infested goats instead of the virgins he thinks await him.

11-10-2009, 10:09 PM
What was the threat of the 911 terrorist before they flew planes into the trade centers?
He did everything but wear a sign saying I'm a Muslim extremist nut job.
We knew a lot more about him than the 911 pilots.
First time we didn't think it could happen, now we are just closing our eyes.

11-10-2009, 10:15 PM
Simple question, how can you prevent the future? Who "knew" about him? I didn't, did you?

11-10-2009, 11:04 PM
I guess we do nothing and get picked to pieces. Just put our efforts into hosing up the aftermath. Eventually they will tire. And all will be peaceful again.

Ub Hauled
11-10-2009, 11:36 PM
It doesn't matter what you call him. He didn't keep his view a secret, Seems everybody knew about his views and nothing was done. If we refuse to even recognize a threat, we haven't got a chance. It's a damn shame. I agree most Muslims aren't a danger, but I don't seem to hear a lot of condemnation from them.

I think people knew about him being Muslim, nothing wrong with that.. one of the issues, as I read or saw somewhere, was that he was being picked on due to his religion, that on itself is not something that can be called patriotic, specially within our armed forces. He had no plans of going postal or so is believed so far.
My personal believe, again, is that he had a weak mind, listen to problems day in, day out and when he heard he was going to war, he hit his breaking point. It's an unfortunate event... I could be wrong, but not so far...

11-10-2009, 11:51 PM
There's probably more to this story than we realize. The fact of the matter is he killed 13 people. Forget about labeling him. What he did was wrong, plain and simple. Let's let the professionals analyze his intentions and motives. Here's a bit of background info. on Hasan... http://www.veteranstoday.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=9315

There are some people out there with some distorted thought processes. Like the cleric from Yemen who praised this guys actions. That's just sick that a man of God would praise this kind of senseless violence. As with most organizations and religions, they become home to fanaticals and "Broken Units."

Ub Hauled
11-11-2009, 12:52 AM
There's probably more to this story than we realize. The fact of the matter is he killed 13 people. Forget about labeling him. What he did was wrong, plain and simple. Let's let the professionals analyze his intentions and motives. Here's a bit of background info. on Hasan...

that's what I have been trying to say Dom... it's a crime, forget his religion... if he is a terrorist, then he's a terrorist, let's not blame religions (I can't believe I am saying that).

11-11-2009, 01:58 AM
A sad comment on us and our troops:


No better than the morons that killed a Sikh man in Arizona just after 9/11. They's all A-rabs with them turbines and what knot!!

11-11-2009, 02:09 AM
As with most organizations and religions, they become home to fanaticals and "Broken Units."

Did I call that or what?

Ub Hauled
11-11-2009, 02:17 AM
Oh boy...

11-11-2009, 02:27 AM
I remember while in boot camp, I had this nut job in my platoon from Montana...who said" I only joined the military so I can kill people legally" did he represent the rest of the sane enlistees? No!

11-11-2009, 02:46 AM
A sad comment on us and our troops:


No better than the morons that killed a Sikh man in Arizona just after 9/11. They's all A-rabs with them turbines and what knot!!

What do you know about Ybor City, Bill?:olleyes:

Ub Hauled
11-11-2009, 03:33 AM
I remember while in boot camp, I had this nut job in my platoon from Montana...who said" I only joined the military so I can kill people legally" did he represent the rest of the sane enlistees? No!

Talking about lower common denominator!
I remember when I was in the army, I use to get upset that
some of my superiors were borderline illiterate.... just one of those things.
I cannot recall a guy who was willing to kill others legally,:doh:
I remember some thugs that were always making trouble...

11-11-2009, 09:00 AM
Sadly there have been several reports about how the military has had to lower its standards and increase the max age in order to meet their recruitment goals. While the vast majority of people going into the military are great folks, they are attracting an increasing number of bad apples.

This guy is an idiot and has no business wearing the uniform of our Marine Corp. I hope they throw him out.

Darin Jordan
11-11-2009, 09:58 AM
For those of you asking yourself "How could this happen on a heavily armed Military base?"

Well... here is your answer:


Here is a quick summary:

Among President Clinton's first acts upon taking office in 1993 was to disarm U.S. soldiers on military bases. In March 1993, the Army imposed regulations forbidding military personnel from carrying their personal firearms and making it almost impossible for commanders to issue firearms to soldiers in the U.S. for personal protection. For the most part, only military police regularly carry firearms on base, and their presence is stretched thin by high demand for MPs in war zones.

11-11-2009, 10:14 AM
If he gets the Death Penelty under a Military tribunal he will be executed via firing squad. Hope they take a few rounds before they kill this POS.

11-11-2009, 11:44 AM

great Site there, Bill.

11-11-2009, 11:53 AM
If he is a terrorist then so are all the rest of the whack job spree killers

11-11-2009, 12:21 PM
If he is a terrorist then so are all the rest of the whack job spree killers

That was a mass murder, not a spree. A spree killer would be someone like the DC Sniper.. Come on now, be politically correct...:blah:

11-11-2009, 01:22 PM
Gotta love this video on the subject:



11-11-2009, 03:14 PM
Unfortunately there will be a lawyer out there that will defend this guy and plea insanity... the worst is, he may get it, the media is already spreading the word that he was teased, verbally abused, etc...

Of course he's going to have a lawyer to defend him, that's one of the basic rights in any nation governed by laws; if we take that right away from him, we forfeit our own right to be legally defended at the same time. Besides, a history of being teased or verbally abused on its own is never going to be considered to be sufficent evidence to support a judgement of insanity.

...life in jail is what I foresee for him.

Works for me, as I'd rather see him pace back and forth in captivity for another 30 years before natural causes finally take him out of his misery. The alternative is to grant him his wish of martrdom by executing him and sending him off to his 72 virgins or whatever fantasyland scenario his religion of choice has promised him.

In short, you can't punish somebody by giving them exactly what they want.


11-11-2009, 03:25 PM
All I can tell you guys is comprehend what you hear or see on the news with a grain of salt.. One of my criminal law teachers is a retired TX DPS profiler asked to look at this case and he says it bothers the hell out of him everytime he reads the news about whats going on. Alot of these network "analysts" are pulling stuff out of their ass to keep everyone glued to their broadcast..

11-11-2009, 03:59 PM
OK they convict this sh#thead -- stand him up in front of a firing squad -now use anyone from the scout sniper program - then neatly place rounds up his torso starting at his feet -13 rounds to be exact! Also want it to be with an M16 the rounds tumble better! Ah make it 17 rounds ... 17 virgin rounds!!!!

See the site picture, finger resting on the trigger, breath in, release it - half way, squeeze the trigger, look at your placement that's it slowly now! Next round!

Of course he would be tied to the post!

Yes I am a vindictive Bast@#d!

Darin Jordan
11-11-2009, 06:03 PM
Just for the sake of accuracy, the death toll is actually 14, not 13...


11-11-2009, 06:16 PM
From Darin's link:

In the interest of true justice, Hasan should be prosecuted under the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, also known as Laci and Conner’s law, named for the pregnant woman and unborn baby who were murdered in California by Scott Peterson, the baby’s father.

It would seem that the law applies in this case for three reasons: the act of violence was committed on federal property…the shooting was allegedly done by a member of the military…and the violence could be classified as an act of terrorism.

So now we ARE classifying it as an act of terrorism? According to who?

…The Obama Administration has a moral obligation to press for prosecution of Hasan under the Unborn Victims of Violence Act. If such a legal path is ignored, it will demonstrate to the world that the President is caving into a pro-abortion lobby who will not recognize the legal rights of any child in the womb—even a child whose mother desperately longs to give birth.

So Obama is being forced into the prosecution? According to this article, The author is making the rules and doing the "labeling" now.

11-11-2009, 06:23 PM
Talk about a radically conservative site, geeeeeezzzz!

11-11-2009, 06:48 PM
Talk about a radically conservative site, geeeeeezzzz!

Michelle is a self-hating...fill the rest in...

11-11-2009, 09:35 PM
Can we call him a trader to the United States of America??
Turning on his country and brothers in arms.
Probably not.

11-11-2009, 10:47 PM
Can we call him a trader to the United States of America??
Turning on his country and brothers in arms.
Probably not.

Not sure what trading he did, but I can see how we might call him a traitor.

But what about the other guys, the ones in theater, who shot and killed their fellow soldiers, guys in their own units? They were not called traitors, just murderers. Oh sorry, they weren't Muslim. Never mind.

Steven Vaccaro
11-12-2009, 07:03 AM
Black, white, Christian, Muslim. It doesn't matter, he's a Terrorist. This guy just so happens to be a Muslim Terrorist.

11-12-2009, 09:58 AM
I'm not understanding the statement. Please elaborate.

funny ...I understood it fine

11-12-2009, 10:04 AM
I agree, had he been part of a different religion things would have been different...no questioning about if it was terrorist or not, etc.

Not sure if you are being sarcastic here or not but my take on it is, people saw him doing it, tried to stop him (succesfully), HE DID IT! No questions about that, so all this "alleged shooting" crap is bogus... innocent until proven guilty? BS! Just figure out his sentence and move on, the more press this thing gets the prouder terrorists get, whether he's one or not.
BTW, I think he was mentally weak and broke down under negative pressure, doesn't mater if he is a Muslim first... he could have said I am a Christian first and American second and yelling "God is righteous, God is righteous!"... what would have people thought about that?!

Correct Steven, he IS a murderer, he deserves what's coming to him.

all good comebacks Jan... after reading some of these comments here from Bill and RCprince I'm starting to think we have some sleeper cells in these forums

Steven Vaccaro
11-12-2009, 10:11 AM
all good comebacks Jan... after reading some of these comments here from Bill and RCprince I'm starting to think we have some sleeper cells in these forums

Na just some very left winged nuts. :just-kidding:

11-12-2009, 10:34 AM
after reading some of these comments here from Bill and RCprince I'm starting to think we have some sleeper cells in these forums

If you think that then all I can say is that your critical thinking and reading comprehension skills are severely limited.

Steven Vaccaro
11-12-2009, 10:40 AM
I'm not understanding the statement. Please elaborate.

Sorry I forgot to comment on this the first time around. For example, if some jerk/racist white guy was talking about killing blacks, he would have been booted without much talk. But this guy had several people question his intentions and no one ever did anything about it. For example, the moron Imus made that stupid "nappy headed hoes" comment, although it was terrible and uncalled for, he was run out of town over it.

11-12-2009, 11:35 AM
You guys crack me up. You agree on something and still choose to argue about it.
Ok so you guys agree that he is a mass murderer?
His religion may have had something to do with it?
Not all Muslims are terrorists?
There may be other factors to consider?
There is an on going investigation in why and if this is preventable.

So why are there two sides to this? Have we become so politically manipulated that everything boils down to us vs. them? The Dems against the Reps? The right vs. left?

How many of you guys stand in a mirror and argue with yourselves? C'mon raise your hands....

Steven Vaccaro
11-12-2009, 11:46 AM
How many of you guys stand in a mirror and argue with yourselves? C'mon raise your hands....


My wife always says I have issues.

11-12-2009, 11:49 AM

My wife always says I have issues.

Does the mirror argue back? Who wins?

Steven Vaccaro
11-12-2009, 12:37 PM
Does the mirror argue back? Who wins?

Now that's the scary part, the mirror seems like "he" always has the upper hand.

11-12-2009, 12:45 PM
Yep. The mirror doesn't see me the way I see me.:just-kidding:

11-12-2009, 05:28 PM
If you think that then all I can say is that your critical thinking and reading comprehension skills are severely limited.

Trust me, he's not ready for the verbal gymnastics, I'm on idle, so some don't get left behind.

Steven Vaccaro
11-13-2009, 08:10 AM
He's not a terrorist. :sarcasm1:
He's just a self proclaimed "soldier of allah".
